Yesterday I got a flat tire while driving from one campus to another (I work as a traveling rep for a publishing company) and as extreme luck would have it, there in front of me was an America's Tire. I love those guys. I wonder if they want me to work for them? They're so friendly, and knowledgeable, and so not-pushy, except with that snipping sniping sipping siping thing, which I have researched and you probably shouldn't do.
Anyway, I pulled up, got the whole fixing business started, and then looked around for a place to get a snack while I waited. There were several choices in easy walking distance, so I chose (natch) the sports bar. You never know when you're gonna want easy access to sports, amiright?
I'd forgotten where I was and gotten deep into the mystery-thriller that I always carry with me (specifically in case of flats!, seriously!, it paid off!) and then I looked up and was like, oh, right! Sports bar! TVs EVERYWHERE!
I watched one for a few short minutes and learned that someone who played sports just lived up to my absolute worst preconceptions about people who play sports.
There's this fellow named Richie Incognito (seriously, dude?, that's your name?...the Key and Peele stuff is making more sense by the moment...) and apparently he is a world-class asshole. I stared, dumbfounded, at the screen, where the highly-censored text of his voicemail to a teammate appeared. I. Just. ... Really?
I'm a little full of righteous indignation about Sports People and the subhuman sensibilities right about now, but...really? Is there another culture in which one could leave such a voicemail (FOR A COLLEAGUE, NO LESS) and have any expectation of success? Kudos to the Dophins for sending him away. Kudos to the bullied player for taking the risk in telling the authorities. And hopefully, future kudos to all other sports teams as they, one can only hope, refuse to ever employ this man. I'd like to see him try to make it in real life - a life in which he's just a person, not a sporting deity.
I really do think that's the problem. These guys drag themselves through part of secondary school and are then pursued by women and agents alike, and are never held accountable. They get scholarships to schools - schools that ostensibly attempt to educate the populace - and then when they (not all of them, but enough) can't complete their college courses? No worries! Free tutor, stat...and/or a changed grading criteria.
Is it too much to expect our sports stars to live up to a baseline level? I think they should all have to pass a spelling test, and a grammar test, and then a how-not-to-use-racial-and-other-slurs-test. Plus maybe an ethics exam. Also, some basic math, so that they can learn to spend their absurd wealth wisely.
That's the only thing that pleases me. Chances are decent that Mr. Incognito has made some money to date, and has gotten used to that lifestyle, and chances also are that he has overspent and underinvested, and chances further are that he expected his personal gravy train to last for a while. SO, if this causes his revenue stream to dry out completely, as I can only hope it has, poor Mr. Man is going to* run out of money and then forever have to be aware of what he lost. Because he was a world-class jackass. Being mean to other people should always cause one to lose one's livelihood. Think of how nice people would be!
OK, that was fun. More light-hearted, clueless sports knowledge coming your way next post, I promise.
*I sincerely hope. I also hope that his mother read that and has raked him over the coals but good. Although honestly, his parents can't have done a particularly bang-up job to date, if this is who they turned out. SHAME ON HIM. SHAME. SHAME. SHAME.